John Ezell
- Professor
- Geology
- Assistant Clinical Professor, Geology
(662) 325-3915
- 301B Hilbun Hall
- Mississippi State, MS 39762
Dr. John Ezell is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Geosciences at Mississippi State University (MSU). He obtained his PhD in 2016 in Geology. His research background includes hydrology, biogeochemistry, and karst. He has conducted research at field sites in several southeastern US states, the Gulf of Mexico, and The Bahamas. Dr. Ezell’s research projects have included herbicide research, soil moisture studies, measuring and modeling geochemical responses to hypoxia in bay waters, geochemical changes in karst springs during spring reversals, and tidal influences on the biogeochemistry of Bahamian blueholes, and karst landscape evolution. He has taught geoscience courses for more than a decade and is currently working on improving distance learning course structures.
- Ph. D, University of Florida, Department of Geological Sciences, 2010-2016 Dissertation: Carbonate dissolution rates and volumes in changing aqueous settings
- M.S., Mississippi State University, Department of Geosciences, 2008-2010 - The sediment and water column biogeochemistry of Weeks Bay during bottom water hypoxic and normoxic events
- B.S., Mississippi State University, Department of Geosciences, 2003-2008
- B.S., Mississippi State University, Department of Forestry, 2003-2008
- Middle and High School Science Teacher
- Graduate Student – taught a variety of labs and lectures
- Research Lab Coordinator
Research Interests
- Bay and Spring Geochemistry
- Geoscience Education
- Herbicide Applications/Treatments
- Soil Moisture
- Aquifer Recharge
- Karst Landscape Evolution
Teaching Areas
- GG 1113 Survey of Earth Science I
- GG 1121 Survey of Earth Science II
- GR 3113 Conservation of Natural Resources
- GG 3613 Water Resources
- GG 8133 Rocks and Minerals
- GG 8613 Hydrology
- GG 8400 Field Methods
- GG 8410 Gulf Coast Field Course
Honors/Professional Activities
- Excellence in teaching Award 2020
- UF OGMP Supplemental Retention Scholarship 2015
- Awarded GSA funding 2012
- Member of lab group receiving a Science Award from the National Speleological Society Cave Diving Section 2012
- Awarded NOAA NEERS Fellowship 2009
- Awarded GSA funding 2009
- GIS Certificate 2008
- Member of:
- Zi Sigma Pi
- Geological Society of America
- Geochemical Society Member