Careers in Atmostpheric Sciences

Careers in Atmostpheric Sciences

The term atmospheric sciences is quite broad and encompasses many different areas of weather-related jobs, research, and teaching. Our faculty and courses in atmospheric sciences directly address the areas of agricultural meteorology, bioclimatology, climatology, hydrology, meteorology, and oceanography, but many of our graduates have gone on to specialize in other areas as well. Most of our graduates immediately pursue careers as broadcast meteorologists, operational forecasters (such as the National Weather Service), educators, or researchers.  Various people have estimated 25–50% of all working broadcast meteorologists in the U.S. received at least some of their education from Mississippi State University's Department of Geosciences. Many also pursue jobs with major corporations that must monitor weather conditions to maximize their productivity (airlines, shipping, commodities traders, etc.).

Here are some links to other pages devoted to job and career opportunities in the atmospheric sciences:

Please feel free to contact any of our faculty if you have questions about careers in the atmospheric sciences and/or how Mississippi State University can help you achieve your career goals.