Shrinidhi Ambinakudige

Shrinidhi Ambinakudige


  • Professor


  • Geography
  • Geospatial Sciences


  • Professor, GIS and Geography

(662) 325-0241


  • 212 Hilbun Hall
  • Mississippi State, MS 39762

Dr. Shrinidhi Ambinakudige is a Professor of Geography and GIS at Mississippi State University. His research encompasses both physical and human geographical approaches. The broad focus of his research is on the interactions between nature and society, specifically the human dimension of global environmental change. He seeks to explain how human knowledge, actions, and practices influence environmental change, and how those environmental changes in turn affect human actions, and human vulnerabilities. He has examined environmental changes such as land use and land cover, glacial retreat, biodiversity, and vegetation changes. Research study sites include North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) and South America (Andes) as well as Europe, Central Asia (Tajikistan), and South Asia (India, Nepal, Bangladesh). Furthermore, he studies food security, internal migration flows in the US and Europe as a human geographer. His research is interdisciplinary, drawing on theories and methods from human geography, environmental geography, geographic information systems, and remote sensing.


  • Ph.D. Geography (2006), Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.
  • MSc (1995), University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India.
  • BSc (1992), College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, India.


  • Professor: Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, August, 2018- present
  • Associate Professor: Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, August, 2012- 2018
  • Assistant Professor: Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, August, 2006- 2012
  • Visiting Assistant Professor : Department of Geosciences, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA, Aug 2005 – May 2006

Research Interests

  • Human dimensions of climate change
  • Food Security
  • Environmental Vulnerability
  • Glaciers
  • Agro-forest ecosystem
  • Human geography
  • GIS
  • Remote Sensing

Teaching Areas

  • GR 8563 GIS Research Applications
  • GR 3113 Conservation of Natural Resources
  • GR 4990/6990 Intermediate GIS
  • GR 3303 Survey of Geospatial Technologies
  • GR 4303/6303 Principles of GIS (on campus)
  • GR 8313 Advanced Cultural Geography
  • GR 4233/6233 Geography of Asia
  • GR 4253/6253 Geography of Africa
  • GR4990/6990 Geography of Islamic World
  • GR 2013 Cultural Geography

Honors/Professional Activities

  • Early Faculty Grant Award – 2008: By the Southeastern Division of Association of American Geographers
  • Certified GIS Professional: By the GIS Certification Institute
  • Morton Winsberg Outstanding Student Award: By the Department of Geography Florida State University – 2004-2005
  • Member of Association of American Geographers, Sigma Xi, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Southeastern Division of Association of American Geographers, American Geophysical Union, American Geographical Society, Gamma Theta Upsilon

Graduate Students

  • Zia Ahemed (Ph.D 2024)
  • Bernard Abubakari (MS 2024)
  • Destiny Crockett (Ph.D 2023)
  • Adjoa Intsiful (Ph.D)
  • Nick Chastain (MS)
  • Adjoa Intsiful (MS 2020)
  • Sweta Tiwari (Ph.D 2020)
  • Aynaz Lotfata (Ph.D 2019)
  • Mary Chambers (MS)
  • Pushkar Inamdhar (Ph.D 2017)
  • Lucy Tetteh (MS 2014)
  • Kabindra Joshi (MS 2012)
  • Al Bryan Lim (MS 2011)
  • Sami Khannal (MS 2009)
  • James Burt (MS 2008)
  • Tiwari, S., & Ambinakudige, S. (2024). Reconsidering household food insecurity: Assessing the impact of neighborhood and household characteristics. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 1–23.
  • Lichter, D. T., Parisi, D., Ambinakudige, S., & Scott, C. K. (2024). Reevaluating the spatial scale of residential segregation: Racial change within and between neighborhoods. Demography, 61(2), 307–336.
  • Ambinakudige, S., & Bernard, A. (2024). Inventory of Western United States glaciers 2020. Scholars Junction.
  • *Bernard, A., & Ambinakudige, S. (2023). Status of glaciers in the Western United States based on Sentinel-2A images and machine learning algorithm. ESS Open Archive.
  • *Ahmed, Z., Ambinakudige, S., & Fosu, B. (2023). Does integrating climate change projection with agriculture policy improve agricultural adaptation and food security? Evidence from Bangladesh. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
  • *Ali, A., Sherman-Morris, K., Meng, Q., & Ambinakudige, S. (2023). Longitudinal disparities in social determinants of health and COVID-19 incidence and mortality in the United States from the three largest waves of the pandemic. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 46, 100604.
  • *Ahmed, Z., Ahmed, M., Hussain, A. H. M. B., Alam, R., Ambinakudige, S., Kamal, M., & Chowdhury, M. (2023). Do socio-demographic factors influence water-fetching practices? Evidence from the southwestern coastal region of Bangladesh. Society & Natural Resources.
  • *Ahmed, Z., & Ambinakudige, S. (2023). Does land use change, waterlogging, and salinity impact sustainability of agriculture and food security? Evidence from the southwestern coastal region of Bangladesh. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, 74.
  • Parisi, D., Lichter, D. T., Ambinakudige, S., & Scott, C. (2023). Comparative patterns of Black residential segregation from Whites and other minorities in racially diverse municipalities. Population Association of America, New Orleans, LA, April 12-15, 2023.
  • *Ali, A., Sherman-Morris, K., & Ambinakudige, S. (2022). Spatial exploration of social vulnerability and COVID-19-related health outcomes in Mississippi. Southeastern Geographer, 62(3), 213-230.
  • Ali*, A, Sherman-Morris and S. Ambinakudige. 2022. Spatial Exploration of Social Vulnerability and COVID-19 related Health Outcomes in Mississippi, Southeastern Geographers, 62 (3), pp.213-230.
  • Ahmed*, Z., Alam, R., Hussain, A.H.M.B., Ambinakudige. S. et al. 2022. Agricultural land conversion and land surface temperature change in four industrial areas in Bangladesh: results from remote sensing and DPSIR approach. Arab J Geosci 15, 932.
  • Shrinidhi Ambinakudige, Adjoa Intsiful*, 2022. Estimation of area and volume change in the glaciers of the Columbia Icefield, Canada using machine learning algorithms and Landsat images, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Volume 26. 100732, ISSN 2352-9385,
  • Ahmed*, Z., Hussain, A.H.M.B., Ambinakudige, S. et al. 2022. Perceived Human-Induced Causes of Landslide in Chattogram Metropolitan Area in Bangladesh. Earth Syst Environ, 6, 499–515.
  • Ahmed*, Z., Alam, R., Ahmed, M.N.Q., Ambinakudige, S. et al. 2022. Does anthropogenic upstream water withdrawal impact on downstream land use and livelihood changes of Teesta transboundary river basin in Bangladesh? Environ Monit Assess 194, 59.
  • Dash, P., M. Devkota*, A.E. Mercer, S. Ambinakudige, 2022. A geographic weighted regression approach for improved total alkalinity estimates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Environmental Modelling & Software, V. 148.
  • *Sweta, T and S. Ambinakudige. 2021. Neighborhood Food Insecurity Index to identify Food Vulnerability and Food Deserts in the United States. Journal of Food Security, 9(4), 148-159. DOI:10.12691/jfs-9-4-2
  • Chowdhury, T.R. Ahmed*, Z, Islam, S. Akter, S, Ambinakudige, S and Kung, H. 2021. Trend Analysis and Simulation of Human Vulnerability Based on Physical Factors of Riverbank Erosion Using RS and GIS. Earth Syst Environ.
  • Tiwari, S., and S. Ambinakudige, S. 2021. Neighborhoods with MLK streets are poorer than national average and highly segregated, study reveals. The Conversation. January, 15, 2021.
  • Intsiful, A. and S. Ambinakudige. 2021. Glacier cover change assessment of the Columbia Icefield in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Canada (1985 – 2018). Geosciences. 19: 11(1).
  • Ambinakudige, S. 2020. Future Coastal Population and Ecosystem Exposure to Sea Level Rise Along the European Coastline. European Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences, 1(5).
  • Lichter, D., D. Parisi, and S. Ambinakudige. 2020. The spatial integration of immigrants in Europe (L’intégration spatiale des immigrés en Europe). N-IUSSP. September 14, 2020.
  • Tiwari, S., and S. Ambinakudige. 2020. Streetscapes and stereotyping: streets named after Martin Luther King, Jr., and the geographies of racial identity. GeoJournal.
  • Ambinakudige, S and *Intsiful. A. 2020. Spatiotemporal Analyses of Changing Cropping Patterns and Crop Rotations in the Mississippi Delta. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences - Special issue on Agriculture and Plant Sciences. 65(3), 228-236.
  • Lotfata, A and Ambinakudige, S. 2020. Degradation of groundwater quality in the coastal aquifers of the USA. Sustainable Water Resources Management. 6 (41).
  • Lichter, D., D. Parisi, and S. Ambinakudige. 2020. The Spatial Integration of Immigrants in Europe: A Cross-National Study. Population Research and Policy Review.
  • Lotfata, A. and S. Ambinakudige. 2019. Factors Affecting the Spatial Pattern of Nitrate Contamination in Texas Aquifers, Management of Environmental Quality: An international Journal, 31(4).
  • Zheng, Zhicheng; Xia, Haoming; Ambinakudige, Shrinidhi; Qin, Yaochen; Li, Yang; Xie, Zhixiang; Zhang, Lijun; Gu, Haibin. 2019. "Spatial Accessibility to Hospitals Based on Web Mapping API: An Empirical Study in Kaifeng, China" Sustainability 11, no. 4: 1160.
  • Lotfata, A. and S. Ambinakudige. 2019. Natural Disaster and Vulnerability: An Analysis of 2016 Flooding in Louisiana. Southeastern Geography , 59(2) 2019: 130-152. 
  • Ambinakudige, S., Inamdar*, P., and Lotfata*, A. 2018. A Spectral Analysis of Snow in Mt. Rainier. Journal of geography and geology. 10(3); p20-25. •  DOI:10.5539/jgg.v10n3p20
  • Ambinakudige, S., D. Parisi, G. Cappello, and *A. Lotfata. 2017. A. Diversity or Segregation? A multi-decadal analysis of demographics of Atlanta neighborhoods. Spatial Demography. Pp1-22.  10.1007/s40980-017-0034-z
  • Ambinakudige, Shrinidhi. “Geography of Glaciers.” 2017. In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/obo/9780199874002-0098
  • Inamdhar, P and S. Ambinakudige. 2016. Spatial patterns of glacial changes in Southern America. PE& RS. 82(10), pp 811-818. doi: 10.14358/PERS.82.10.677